"Feeding in a species-appropriate way means understanding the nature of our pets."
Georg Müller - Managing Director at interquell GmbH
Artgerecht füttern heißt, die Natur unserer Haustiere verstehen.
Wir sind Pionier und Heimat kerngesunder Tiernahrung.
"Feeding in a species-appropriate way means understanding the nature of our pets."
Georg Müller - Managing Director at interquell
The nutritional history of pets
Based on the evolutionary history of animals and their changes over the millennia, as well as the latest scientific findings, we have constantly adapted the composition of our pet food to optimise it for the digestion and needs of today's pets.
Experience the nutritional history of our pets reinterpreted by state-of-the-art AI technology! Discover how we combine tradition and innovation to optimise your pet's healthy diet.
Our brands & pioneering achievements
Pioneer of ethical standards & alternative nutrition
First complete dog food & Natural Life Concept®
First full range of nutritional-therapeutic products
Natural Life Concept® & All-in-One-Active ingredient formula
First floatable fish food
Vorreiter ethischer Maßstäbe & Alternative Ernährung
Erste vollwertige Hundenahrung & Natural Life Concept®
Erstes ernährungstherapeutisches Vollsortiment
Our philosophy
„We want to give every pet a long, healthy and happy life.“
Family Müller – Shareholder iQ petfood
"We want to give every pet a long, healthy and happy life."
The Müller family –
Shareholder iQ petfood
About us
„We are pioneers and the home of healthy pet food.“
Employees of iQ petfood
"We are pioneers and the home of healthy pet food."
Employees of iQ petfood
"We are pioneers and the home of healthy pet food."
Employees of iQ petfood
„As a family business, we take responsibility for animals, people and nature and want to leave a world worth living in for future generations.“
Andreas Müller – Project Lead Sustainability
"As a family business, we take responsibility for animals, people and nature and want to leave a world worth living in for future generations."
Andreas Müller – Project Lead Sustainability
Are you convinced by us?
Then you too can become a pioneer in our sustainable family business.
Are you convinced by us?
Then you too can become a pioneer in our sustainable family business.