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Our sustainability initiative

IQ petfood, a pioneer in the production of premium pet food, is continuously driving forward its sustainability management. The ‘IQ petfood Sustainability Initiative’, introduced with the 2020 report, lays the foundation for a future-proof corporate culture and long-term objectives. Owners Georg and Andreas Müller are committed to ensuring that sustainability is firmly anchored in the strategic direction and corporate culture. The initiative has already provided impetus in production, product development and even in the promotion of office dogs and cultural workshops.

Thanks to the commitment of employees, the initiative is continuously developed and documented every two years in reports based on the GRI standard. The IQ petfood sustainability initiative is aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and endeavours to take into account the various dimensions of sustainability in the production of pet food. The complex initiative is being driven forward step by step in order to promote the best possible development in its own sphere of influence.

Our sustainability initiative

IQ petfood, a pioneer in the production of premium pet food, is continuously driving forward its sustainability management. The ‘IQ petfood Sustainability Initiative’, introduced with the 2020 report, lays the foundation for a future-proof corporate culture and long-term objectives. Owners Georg and Andreas Müller are committed to ensuring that sustainability is firmly anchored in the strategic direction and corporate culture. The initiative has already provided impetus in production, product development and even in the promotion of office dogs and cultural workshops.

Thanks to the commitment of employees, the initiative is continuously developed and documented every two years in reports based on the GRI standard. The IQ petfood sustainability initiative is aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and endeavours to take into account the various dimensions of sustainability in the production of pet food. The complex initiative is being driven forward step by step in order to promote the best possible development in its own sphere of influence.

In order to achieve our sustainability goals, we cooperate with specialists, industry experts and various organisations in the field of sustainability. Together we strive for real progress, because only as a team can we achieve our goals. In recent years, we have expanded our partner network and are proud to work with the following sustainable partners:

In order to achieve our sustainability goals, we cooperate with specialists, industry experts and various organisations in the field of sustainability. Together we strive for real progress, because only as a team can we achieve our goals. In recent years, we have expanded our partner network and are proud to work with the following sustainable partners:

Our sustainability goals

Together, we have defined our targets for 2030 in the IQ Sustainability Agenda 2030 and are endeavouring to achieve them compared to 2019. Due to technical limitations and market conditions, the targets are considered on an individual basis and, if necessary, adjusted in line with the state of the art and market demand. Clear and ambitious targets are crucial to driving our sustainability initiative forward. Below are our 10 most important targets that we want to achieve by 2030.

1st GOAL | At least 20 % less energy, water and other resources used per tonne of food

2nd GOAL | At least 30 % of our power from our own renewable energy sources

3rd GOAL |At least 30 % less waste from our company per tonne of food

4th GOAL | At least 70 % of our raw ingredients sourced within a maximum radius of 700 km

5th GOAL | At least 80 % of our packaging to be recyclable, reusable or ecologically usable

6th GOAL | At least 30 % of our branded products are environmentally oriented (veggie, organic, free-range, insects, in vitro, etc.)

7th GOAL| At least 35 % reduction in the lead time for process workflows due to simplification, improvement and digitisation of the workflows

8th GOAL |Constant further development of employee satisfaction and creation of an experienced value-oriented and honest corporate culture

9th GOAL | All employee remuneration based on performance and company success plus strong focus on the personal development of employees

10th GOAL | Creation of a strong partner network, a common understanding of sustainability and a clear vision of a future worth living

Our sustainability approach

Our planet and humanity as a whole are facing major environmental, social and economic challenges. In 2015, the 17 SDGs were defined by 193 nations of the United Nations (UN). The SDGs are also a universal call to all people to contribute to their implementation. We want to play our part in making human development sustainable, i.e. ensuring that the needs of the present generation are met without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Our path to sustainability

As a first methodological step, we analysed what influence we as a company have on the UN's SDGs. As a result, we found that IQ petfood's actions currently have the greatest impact on the following SDGs: 3) Health and well-being, 8) Decent work and economic growth, 12) Sustainable consumption and production, 15) Life on land and 17) Partnerships to achieve the goals. The foundation for the sustainability strategy was laid in 2020 and 2021 through a strategic workshop and extensive stakeholder dialogue. The 15 most important groups were selected and surveyed. The constructive, open and transparent dialogue has motivated us to continue and deepen the process we started in 2024. In the coming years, we want to pursue the projects further and expand the scope of our activities. We also want to prepare for all applicable EU regulations and continue to create transparency.

Commitment pays off!

Lower CO2 footprint through product development

In-depth analysis of the environmental impact of the product Goood Adult - Free range chicken

Solarfeld in Wehringen neben der Produktionsstätte von Hundefutter

Purchase of 100% green electricity and construction of our own solar field

Significant reduction in energy consumption per kg of pet food

Lower CO2 footprint through product development

In-depth analysis of the environmental impact of the product Goood Adult - Free range chicken

Solarfeld in Wehringen neben der Produktionsstätte von Hundefutter

Purchase of 100% green electricity and construction of our own solar field

Significant reduction in energy consumption per kg of pet food

Our sustainability report

The IQ petfood sustainability report is based on the three pillars of the IQ sustainability initiative - PURPOSE, PEOPLE, PLANET and the UN's SDGs - and is aligned with the international GRI standard. The individual thematic blocks and projects are presented in detail with the respective milestones and key figures.


A shared future

Future developments are intended to make interquell a pioneer in the field of sustainability in our industry. As there is no standardised recipe for success, all projects and efforts are constantly evaluated, adapted and further developed. This is the only way we can achieve our goals in the long term. Sustainability is a constantly changing process that we want to advance in our company year after year.